164 INC. PHOTOMETRICS 0 30 60 90 120 150 -/+180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 UNIT:cd C0/180,37.7deg C90/270,36.9deg AVERAGE BEAM ANGLE(50%):37.3 DEG 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 1m 66. 70cm 1264, 1949l x 2m 133. 40cm 315. 9, 487. 3l x 3m 200. 10cm 140. 4, 216. 6l x 4m 266. 79cm 78. 97, 121. 8l x 5m 333. 49cm 50. 54, 77. 97l x Hei ght Eavg, Emax Di amet er Angl e: 36. 89deg Fl ux out : 470. 7 l m Note:The Curves indicate the illuminated area and the average illumination when the luminaire is at different distance. 0 30 60 90 120 150 -/+180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 UNIT:cd C0/180,37.7deg C90/270,36.9deg AVERAGE BEAM ANGLE(50%):37.3 DEG 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 1m 66. 70cm 1264, 1949l x 2m 133. 40cm 315. 9, 487. 3l x 3m 200. 10cm 140. 4, 216. 6l x 4m 266. 79cm 78. 97, 121. 8l x 5m 333. 49cm 50. 54, 77. 97l x Hei ght Eavg, Emax Di amet er Angl e: 36. 89deg Fl ux out : 470. 7 l m Note:The Curves indicate the illuminated area and the average illumination when the luminaire is at different distance. 0 30 60 90 120 150 -/+180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 UNIT:cd C0/180,36.7deg C90/270,36.3deg AVERAGE BEAM ANGLE(50%):36.5 DEG 0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 1m 65. 40cm 2485, 3911l x 2m 130. 80cm 621. 3, 977. 9l x 3m 196. 20cm 276. 1, 434. 6l x 4m 261. 60cm 155. 3, 244. 5l x 5m 327. 01cm 99. 40, 156. 5l x Hei ght Eavg, Emax Di amet er Angl e: 36. 22deg Fl ux out : 925. 6 l m Note:The Curves indicate the illuminated area and the average illumination when the luminaire is at different distance. 0 30 60 90 120 150 -/+180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 UNIT:cd C0/180,36.7deg C90/270,36.3deg AVERAGE BEAM ANGLE(50%):36.5 DEG 0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 1m 65. 40cm 2485, 3911l x 2m 130. 80cm 621. 3, 977. 9l x 3m 196. 20cm 276. 1, 434. 6l x 4m 261. 60cm 155. 3, 244. 5l x 5m 327. 01cm 99. 40, 156. 5l x Hei ght Eavg, Emax Di amet er Angl e: 36. 22deg Fl ux out : 925. 6 l m Note:The Curves indicate the illuminated area and the average illumination when the luminaire is at different distance. 30233-02 30234-02