A R C H I T E C T U R A L P R O F I L E S W I R E F E E D : W A L L M O U N T 1" 2" Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket Wire Feed to center of hanging bracket 1FT. PROFILE 2FT. PROFILE 3FT. PROFILE 4FT. PROFILE 5FT. PROFILE 5" 6" 7" 10" Mounting Mounting Mounting Mounting 6FT. PROFILE 7FT. PROFILE 8FT. PROFILE Mounting Mounting 3" Mounting Mounting 4" Mounting Point Wire Feed Mounting Bracket 271 2022 BY